Autor Tópico: Mikio Yahara - entrevista  (Lida 3768 vezes)

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Mikio Yahara - entrevista
« Online: Março 28, 2008, 12:23:35 »


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Re: Mikio Yahara - entrevista
« Resposta #1 Online: Março 28, 2008, 18:49:53 »
‘once the katana is unsheathed, blood will follow, either that of your opponent or yours’

Sometimes the poor dog, that wasn't in scene.

Por outro lado, uma pergunta legal, e uma resposta de acordo;

YKU)     Although this is a term many would relate to Chado’ Ichi-go ichi-e "one time, one meeting" is linked to both Zen Buddhism and sometimes Budo. In a life-or-death battle there is no second chance to "try again." Would this philosophy accord with your idea of karate?
(MY)     Well, for example in competition these days, if you loose a fight in a competition you can get a consolation match - and I think this is total nonsense. Our way thinking, or in Budo Karate, we can’t imagine having such a rule. Once you are defeated you are finished. Of course behind this, there is a real difference between real fighting and sports matches. What I am actually trying to convey is that you must treat each opportunity as if it is your only one chance - that is why there is a value of meeting people and spending time for the moment together.

So in terms of Karate fighting, you must throw your technique as if it’s your one and only chance, and you must do it with full responsibility and without regret, put all your energy into that one technique. For Budoka, having pride is very important, and having that pride is one of the most important things. In a real fight, you actually have to throw away your pride. This is a little bit of a different issue- but from my own experience, if I win, I have the maai and my attack is totally in control…I know that even before I attack, my opponent is already defeated. That’s how I win.

Yahara é uma pessoa controversa, Mas como Karateca é f... abuloso.


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Re: Mikio Yahara - entrevista
« Resposta #2 Online: Abril 12, 2008, 11:02:36 »

Meus amigos, a segunda parte da entrevista:

Bons treinos